Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8, 2017: Second to last!

This is all I have for this week.  But because of the mission I've never had more of a reason to rejoice.  Love you all.

Alma 26:35-37


35 Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name.

36 Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a branch of the tree of Israel, and has been lost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land.

37 Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever.



Elder Halverson


Friday, August 4, 2017

July 31, 2017: Take Me Out to the Ballgame

TAKE ME OUT WITH THE CROWD!  I'll just say it, this past Thursday a member took the 6 missionaries and our recent convert to the greatest game on dirt.  The home team lost to a score of 5-1 and apparently every time the missionaries go to a game the local "rakuten" team loses.  Idk if there is some funky juju that is linked with the missionaries.  But since the Cubs won the World Series last year, I have ceased to believe in curses and things of the sort.  Haha Well anyway it was a great blessing to go see the game and enjoy the atmosphere.

This week was great great as it always is.  Time is dwindling and as I reflect, all I think about is the good and how great it has been to be in every area and meet such wonderful people.  But it's not over till God says it's over and I haven't heard anything yet.

I had the opportunity to go to Tagajo this week for splits.  First of all if I can live in a place like Tagajo's apartment in the future it would be awesome cause that apartment is sweet!!  Anyway.  Elder Perez was my split comp and it was really fun working with him there.

It was really nice cause we were blessed with a lot of chances to teach on the street as we stopped people with riding our bikes.  We met a guy who used to go surfing with the missionaries 29 years ago and remembers all the teachings and the best part is that he wanted to talk with the elders again!  Pretty sweet right?  Surfing dendo works!! Lol

It has been a busy week, as it usually is.  We have been doing a lot of travel and splits.  Also been planning a lot for zone conference this coming week.  Just an update on the weather mom!  It is still hot and every time I leave the apartment I get really sweaty.  Remember the times I gave you a hug after football?  It is just like that and times it by 5. Haha Everyday is a blessing!  So happy for this opportunity, really been a life changer/saver.  The benefits and blessings are endless.  God lives and he loves us and I have the knowledge of that and how sweet is that!  I love you all and have a good week!

Elder Halverson



July 24, 2017: Costco and ピカチュウ君に決めた

こんにちは皆さん.  元気ですか?


笑笑. 今週は大きな奇跡を目にしました。高橋君という19歳求道者が昨日初めて教会に来てくれました。そして聖餐会で彼とよく合う話がたくさんありました。関口会長姉妹は自分の改宗談と宣教師が何のことを犠牲にしているのかとどれほど素晴らしい人のかについて話していました。



Hello everyone!  I just wanted to share a miracle about a kid we are teaching named Takahashi.  He came to church yesterday for the first time and he said he loved it.  Yesterday we had President and Sister Sekiguchi at church and then after we had a food party and he stayed for all of it.  He loved it actually!  I am so happy for that experience and he said that we can meet and start the discussions again!  Way excited for that!

The people are really nice here!  An English class member took us out to eat this week at this restaurant on the 31st floor of the tallest building next to the Sendai station!  It was way sick!  It was expensive and probably the best food I've ever had in my life, almost!  Don't worry mom cause your food is still better!!

This week in the mission we had a contest called the kekko contest and the winner will get a steak from President Sekiguchi!

I've been really blessed with two 👍🏿😎 baller mission presidents.

For the contest, I figured I would get rejected if I went along with the plans so I decided it's better to just be me come what may.  I decided to just be the normal me and talked to people on the street and people were more than friendly and nice.  It didn't matter if they accepted a tract or not, I saw people as people.   We ended up finding 3 new investigators which is a blessing and a half!

Lastly a spiritual note.  I've been reading the miracle of forgiveness recently!  It's way intense!  But really, because of the my reading I've had more of an appreciation for the atonement of Christ.  He loves all of us.  Because of that he came to the earth, enlightened the path he walked, taught many, and finally made it possible for us to overcome death and return with our families and Father in Heaven!

Please take some time to learn about Jesus this week!  Love you all and have a good one!

Elder Halverson




July 17, 2017 Zoo Day

Hey family and friends!
Today was district pday and we went to the zoo!

Took a lot of photos and had a great time.  I'll send some photos home 🏡!  They are pretty good so mom, I think you will be happy.  Haha.
Well as for this week it was hot again!  We found a new investigator who is a college student that said we could come back and talk with him when he enters summer break.  Always love hearing that.

I've really been treated so nice by all the members here!  They are taking us to Costco next Monday and then a few days after that we are going to a baseball game in Sendai.  One thing that I have really come to know on my mission is that there are really no bad area because it is the members in every single area are what makes it a good place to be.  I love the members here, they are all awesome!!

 The church is true and God lives!

I'll send lots of photos to compensate for the lack of writing!

Elder Halverson



July 10, 2017: President Sekiguchi

Well, it has been business as usual.  Weeks like this really make me more appreciative of shorts and air conditioning.  Sometimes I wish I could be like the Japanese business men and unbutton my top button and take off my tie while biking and walking around.   I guess I really can't complain because there are missionaries in Africa or other places who deal with this stuff all year round. 

We officially welcomed in the new president this week at the Kamisugi chapel.  We had the classic "welcome, welcome" conference.  I am very excited to have my last weeks with Pres. Sekiguchi because he has got tons of ideas and has incredible ideas for the mission.  He is making a mission Facebook page for all the members to see the progress in the mission so that those that live in far places from the mission home feel included.  He also has got a great sense of humor.   He kept telling my comp and I that if we get into trouble or anything with the police, we were to just start speaking English and walk away.  Then in case we get arrested it is ok cause he will come get us out no problem! haha   It's all a joke but I have the tendency to think that in the case that someone does get arrested, that is exactly what will actually happen! haha 

Really at this point of my mission I don't know what to write in these weekly emails any more.  Again I forgot my journal and this last week as just a blur...  really sorry mom and dad.  What I do remember was great.  We had an investigator come to church and we reset a bap date with Yoshio san.  It was a pretty eventful week I think!   hahaha  I do know that God is there and watching over each of us and that the book is true.  Throughout my mission I've had a ton of experiences that have deepened my understanding of how sacred this missionary work is.  I am thankful at the end of everyday for a loving Heavenly Father that brought me to Japan to speak Japanese and share the gospel with these amazing people in Sendai as well as other places over the past two years.  My mission has been awesome, there is no other word for it.  I encourage all who haven't gone out yet or have a chance as a couple, to leave and go on a mission.   God lives and this is true!!  love you all!


peace be with you all

Halverson Chourou


July 3, 2017: The New Guy!







Hello everyone!  I am doing well and the humidity is still very much here!  Well the times are a changing and President Sekiguchi is now the man with the reins of this operation.   I was trying to think of a quote from a movie or something that everybody knows but I've been separated willingly from the world and I've forgotten just about everything. But he is a really cool guy and I've meet him a bunch of times since he came here which has been great.

A little food for thought.  There has been a lot  of separation and leaving recently.  President Smith went home, President Sekiguchi arrived, and the stake patriarch passed away.  We had his funeral over the last couple of days and it was full of tears and reminiscing for all of us.  But this is what I want to share.  At the funeral, Seza Kaichou (of the mission presidency) talked about Hayasaka Kyoudais return to heaven.  He said that even though the earthly separation is hard, the reunion on the other side is very, very joyful.  At that moment he shared a video of President and Sister Smith returning to their 5 children, 17 grandchildren and other loved ones.  They ran up to them with open arms, tears and tons of joy.  While death is hard we always have people waiting on the other side with open arms and big smiles.  God created a plan for all of us to return to him and be with our families.  Jesus Christ is the center of that plan.  He was the one that said "Here am I, send me" so that all of us could return to Him one day.  The church is true, God lives and loves us and I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  See you all next week!

 Elder Halverson


Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017: As I walked through the valley of rejection and rain

hello everyone it’s getting hot here in Sendai!  It’s 100% humidity every single day. Wednesday, we gladly got rained on really hard and that wraps up the weather report.   


We meet with a bunch of investigators!!  We have this one kid who is around 21 years old and he is fluent in English.  He is studying to become a doctor and knows more words in English than I do.  He is way intelligent and really fun to teach.  We read the Book of Mormon with him and then teach from the portion we read and then he will take it and run.  We talked a lot about how we need to act to learn and need to be prepared.  Way fun kid to teach, his name is Yoshio btw if you want to add him to your prayers.  But there is always a catch, he studies so much to be able to get into a good hospital that he only has 20 minutes for lunch and sleeps 3 hours every night.....  we are talking to him when he has time on the phone so it’s technically ok..  haha 


Forgot my journal again but it has been a really good week and always looking on the bright side of things.  We had a few great contacts with people who are not from Sendai, mostly from Tokyo or Chiba ken.  I’ve learned a greater meaning to the saying “no effort is wasted”.  Also, I know that God is looking over all of us and directs people to us and us to others. I know that God loves all of us and wants our happiness.  It’s been a great week and see yall next week.


Love ya!


Halverson Chourou